Okay, my dears, it has come to this: the modern day version of the East Indian "begging" bowl. One of those "when bad things happen to good people"moments. I have put this day off for so long, but I have discovered that I am indeed alone, with few resources. Some of what has occurred to me was the result of faulty brain chemistry and an inflated sense of my own worth. Another part in my financial ruin and potential homelessness was the big real estate crash of 2007, and the part I wasn't looking out for had to do with the betrayal -- a few hundred thousand dollars worth -- by a close relative I'd loved and trusted his whole life.
He's doing quite well for himself, but I'd like my money back. Quite simply put -- you don't take money from older, mentally ill aunts and leave them to lose their homes and sanity, to be without heat for for years.I'm pretty frightened, and it's hard to beg. Many of my friends are in the same position as I am. Our government betrays us -- why should we be surprised when kinfolk do?
And this "begging" thing -- watch and wait, because this is not going to stop. America thinks it as rich; but ask her people. If a country has thousands and thousands of persons like me facing foreclosure, with 28 years of stuff to sort through and a head as empty as a trout -- what is to become of us? A tent somewhere in the hills back of the cul-de-sac, or perhaps in the middle of one?
I'm sorry to be so raw, but this is were it's at. Trying for strength as the world roils and boils around me and those others adrift in our land.