Okay, my dears, it has come to this: the modern day version of the East Indian "begging" bowl. One of those "when bad things happen to good people"moments. I have put this day off for so long, but I have discovered that I am indeed alone, with few resources. Some of what has occurred to me was the result of faulty brain chemistry and an inflated sense of my own worth. Another part in my financial ruin and potential homelessness was the big real estate crash of 2007, and the part I wasn't looking out for had to do with the betrayal -- a few hundred thousand dollars worth -- by a close relative I'd loved and trusted his whole life.
He's doing quite well for himself, but I'd like my money back. Quite simply put -- you don't take money from older, mentally ill aunts and leave them to lose their homes and sanity, to be without heat for for years.I'm pretty frightened, and it's hard to beg. Many of my friends are in the same position as I am. Our government betrays us -- why should we be surprised when kinfolk do?
And this "begging" thing -- watch and wait, because this is not going to stop. America thinks it as rich; but ask her people. If a country has thousands and thousands of persons like me facing foreclosure, with 28 years of stuff to sort through and a head as empty as a trout -- what is to become of us? A tent somewhere in the hills back of the cul-de-sac, or perhaps in the middle of one?
I'm sorry to be so raw, but this is were it's at. Trying for strength as the world roils and boils around me and those others adrift in our land.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
The Quiet Suffering of Americans
I see Tax Games are afoot in the Senate and the House again. The Senate today passed the Middle Class Tax Cut, hopelessly knowing the House will veto it. I have NEVER imagined a Congress that could be so arrogant relative to the needs/lives of their people.
The middle class is bearing the burdens of the policies of the 'unfunded wars' of the last ten years, and also those shiny tax cuts. We did not want these wars and they have helped bring this country to its knees. There are vast numbers of people suffering quietly, feeling ashamed to be hungry, in denial about their financial condition, poor, and wondering how everything changed.
If you wish to read the rest of this article, please follow this link AllVoices.com ... the reason for this is that the site invited me to submit this piece for their "American Pundit" contest, and one of the rules is that the article not be found in its' entirety anywhere else. So please follow on over -- it's a great space and I will operate at both locations. As soon as I can figure out how to link to my site on AllVoices! UNDER CONSTRUCTION!
Usually I will be found at both places, as I love my little blog.
Thanks, Julie
Hey!! Hey!! Come on over and see the rest of this AWARD WINNING ARTICLE! WHOOP!! on Allvoices.com ...THIS article won $250 and 1st prize at the fantastic Allvoices.com ...
Allvoices is a wonderful reading space for online journalism re all things international -- all things, period!! Drop on by and read the rest, and come see me there with my little honor!!!
The middle class is bearing the burdens of the policies of the 'unfunded wars' of the last ten years, and also those shiny tax cuts. We did not want these wars and they have helped bring this country to its knees. There are vast numbers of people suffering quietly, feeling ashamed to be hungry, in denial about their financial condition, poor, and wondering how everything changed.
If you wish to read the rest of this article, please follow this link AllVoices.com ... the reason for this is that the site invited me to submit this piece for their "American Pundit" contest, and one of the rules is that the article not be found in its' entirety anywhere else. So please follow on over -- it's a great space and I will operate at both locations. As soon as I can figure out how to link to my site on AllVoices! UNDER CONSTRUCTION!
Usually I will be found at both places, as I love my little blog.
Thanks, Julie
Hey!! Hey!! Come on over and see the rest of this AWARD WINNING ARTICLE! WHOOP!! on Allvoices.com ...THIS article won $250 and 1st prize at the fantastic Allvoices.com ...
Allvoices is a wonderful reading space for online journalism re all things international -- all things, period!! Drop on by and read the rest, and come see me there with my little honor!!!
Monday, May 21, 2012
Mean Mitt Romney
It seems that I respond most urgently when something arises in America the Beautiful that I fear, dislike, worry about and am suspicious of. And oh Mitt Romney, I grow weary of you. I tire of your imperial stylings and superior ways.
We have looked for clues in your facade, and now there are plenty. Today I'd say we have hard evidence of what has been more clear daily -- it's why nobody EVER liked him. He hides behind his tight little smile and the suits. He is the ultimate Robo-Suit, our Mitt. And Mitt Romney is mean.
Have you noticed how he goes OFF when anyone dares query him? I've witnessed him lash out at reporters frequently when he doesn't like the question. I don't like him. I don't like his smirk, his pretense at a smile, the radiant angelic look he puts on. You can almost see his false freaking halo.
Despite his sometimes angelic, prep boy look, I have never seen him able to deal positively with a challenging question, no
matter how cheerfully it's put, or how straight and upfront the
questioner might be. He is condescension personified. He is sarcastic, nasty, and utterly abrasive. I don't think he can feel the pain of those he
considers his inferiors, and to people of that sort we ALL are. Don't
be fooled by this guy. There's nothing there there except the urge to dominate the Country. He's no healer.
Why does he want to be President? Well, power of course; I think that's a given for all of them. That particular urge is dominant in just a relatively few men. They don't have to be good, scrupulous people, as I was always brainwashed to think they were. Mitt Romney is first and foremost a man of business, rather like Ebeneezer Scrooge. People who favor business as an occupation tend to nurture their treasure chest rather than the people who work for them. "Greed is good," right?
We have looked for clues in your facade, and now there are plenty. Today I'd say we have hard evidence of what has been more clear daily -- it's why nobody EVER liked him. He hides behind his tight little smile and the suits. He is the ultimate Robo-Suit, our Mitt. And Mitt Romney is mean.
Have you noticed how he goes OFF when anyone dares query him? I've witnessed him lash out at reporters frequently when he doesn't like the question. I don't like him. I don't like his smirk, his pretense at a smile, the radiant angelic look he puts on. You can almost see his false freaking halo.
Why does he want to be President? Well, power of course; I think that's a given for all of them. That particular urge is dominant in just a relatively few men. They don't have to be good, scrupulous people, as I was always brainwashed to think they were. Mitt Romney is first and foremost a man of business, rather like Ebeneezer Scrooge. People who favor business as an occupation tend to nurture their treasure chest rather than the people who work for them. "Greed is good," right?
false personality,
mitt romney,
robotic mitt
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Tyler Perry and Racial Profiling
I heard that Actor/Producer Tyler Perry was stopped by the police for absolutely NOTHING the other week and then saw him giving an interview about this encounter. My apologies to Mr. Perry, a most intelligent, accomplished, successful man. I am ashamed to have skin color in common with those violent meat-heads that stopped him.
I feel we're in big trouble, heading into Police State territory, and we'd better look sharp, all of us, and try to help our fellows. I know what it feels like to be frightened by the police, though on a minor basis. Once, while my companion and I were returning a rental vehicle at midnight, we were stopped by a single police-man. It was terrifying, and I felt his immediate presumption of "guilty until proven innocent." His tone was suspicious, harsh, and terrifying. It felt as though WE were being accosted by a criminal.
"Get OUT of the car. STEP AWAY FROM THE CAR." Next he had my boyfriend up against the vehicle while he patted him down.
The guy was a freaking dentist, for god's sake. But in that moment, I got it. I really, really got it.
My god what a country this is, that cops hired to protect us can be our worst enemies, and will stop harass, frighten ordinary human beings for no reason at all. As we have seen so frequently, even "pretend" cops can even harm or kill a person for no reason but skin color/just because they can. What if Mr. Perry hadn't been famous, but simply an ordinary (or not!) man of color? Things might've gone down much differently that night. Fortunately he KNEW that and put on the submissive ACT of another era. It's a damned good thing he's an actor.
Somehow I don't think he would have been stopped dressed up like "Madea" (hahahaha - forgive the joke, please!). This, to me, means it's the same stale macho white man stomping on the black man poison. That surely says a lot about how far we've come as a nation since the Civil War -- not very. Those same white old dinosaurs are calling or firing the shots -- literally these days.
Yes, it's great to have our first black President - I love our Prez and his family. He is trying so hard, and has been met with so much hatred, vitriol and threats of violence. I was astonished as Mitch (turtle-head) McConnell smirked while he stated that his one desire was to make sure that Mr. Obama would be a one term President. As we have noticed, the GOP HAS put all its intention on defaming, and derailing our President's vision. Most of us think racism has a lot to do with this.
If those ol' boys want to hold back one black man, they want to hold back all of them except for a few symbols, tokens that make them seem color-blind. As if. Sad to say, having our first black President has brought out the worst in the skinheads, neo-Nazis, survivalists and all the fringe elements of the right. Unfortunately they seem to be multiplying all too rapidly.
Before my mother died in 1994, saying she'd seen enough of where the world was heading, she told me she thought there would be another targeting of African Americans soon. Since our President was elected, it's as though the trolls, demons, orcs, creeps, zombies and all the evil that lurks in the heart of mankind has come once again to poison what we thought would become a far "more perfect union", as our President wrote.
I thought we were further along than this. To Mr. Perry, this sort of thing makes me ashamed of my race, although slimy cops perhaps are their own species. To my President - they have done everything to stop all the good you have tried to accomplish, while the POLICE STATE grows yearly, threatening us all.
To quote the Buffalo Springfield from a song written during a similar time in our history:
"For What It's Worth":
"There's somethin' happenin' here,
What it is ain't exactly clear
There's a man with a gun over there
Tellin' me I got to beware
I think we stop, children, what's that sound?
Everybody look what's goin' down
I feel we're in big trouble, heading into Police State territory, and we'd better look sharp, all of us, and try to help our fellows. I know what it feels like to be frightened by the police, though on a minor basis. Once, while my companion and I were returning a rental vehicle at midnight, we were stopped by a single police-man. It was terrifying, and I felt his immediate presumption of "guilty until proven innocent." His tone was suspicious, harsh, and terrifying. It felt as though WE were being accosted by a criminal.
"Get OUT of the car. STEP AWAY FROM THE CAR." Next he had my boyfriend up against the vehicle while he patted him down.
The guy was a freaking dentist, for god's sake. But in that moment, I got it. I really, really got it.
My god what a country this is, that cops hired to protect us can be our worst enemies, and will stop harass, frighten ordinary human beings for no reason at all. As we have seen so frequently, even "pretend" cops can even harm or kill a person for no reason but skin color/just because they can. What if Mr. Perry hadn't been famous, but simply an ordinary (or not!) man of color? Things might've gone down much differently that night. Fortunately he KNEW that and put on the submissive ACT of another era. It's a damned good thing he's an actor.
Somehow I don't think he would have been stopped dressed up like "Madea" (hahahaha - forgive the joke, please!). This, to me, means it's the same stale macho white man stomping on the black man poison. That surely says a lot about how far we've come as a nation since the Civil War -- not very. Those same white old dinosaurs are calling or firing the shots -- literally these days.
Yes, it's great to have our first black President - I love our Prez and his family. He is trying so hard, and has been met with so much hatred, vitriol and threats of violence. I was astonished as Mitch (turtle-head) McConnell smirked while he stated that his one desire was to make sure that Mr. Obama would be a one term President. As we have noticed, the GOP HAS put all its intention on defaming, and derailing our President's vision. Most of us think racism has a lot to do with this.
If those ol' boys want to hold back one black man, they want to hold back all of them except for a few symbols, tokens that make them seem color-blind. As if. Sad to say, having our first black President has brought out the worst in the skinheads, neo-Nazis, survivalists and all the fringe elements of the right. Unfortunately they seem to be multiplying all too rapidly.
Before my mother died in 1994, saying she'd seen enough of where the world was heading, she told me she thought there would be another targeting of African Americans soon. Since our President was elected, it's as though the trolls, demons, orcs, creeps, zombies and all the evil that lurks in the heart of mankind has come once again to poison what we thought would become a far "more perfect union", as our President wrote.
I thought we were further along than this. To Mr. Perry, this sort of thing makes me ashamed of my race, although slimy cops perhaps are their own species. To my President - they have done everything to stop all the good you have tried to accomplish, while the POLICE STATE grows yearly, threatening us all.
To quote the Buffalo Springfield from a song written during a similar time in our history:
"For What It's Worth":
"There's somethin' happenin' here,
What it is ain't exactly clear
There's a man with a gun over there
Tellin' me I got to beware
I think we stop, children, what's that sound?
Everybody look what's goin' down
police brutality,
racial profiling,
Tyler Perry
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Bullying, Slut-Shaming, the Country and Me
I ruled the playground for the first several years of grade-school, but then I was forced to get glasses. My popularity vanished almost overnight. I was a smart, dorky girl for a period from 4th grade through 9th grade, when my mom got me contact lenses. Before this occurred, I'd learned that the shy and weak attract aggressors. As I grew more attractive the whole creepy thing just got worse. We lived on the outskirts of town, and I had about 1 1/2 miles to walk to school, a good part on a truck bearing roadway. Fun, huh?
Guys honked and whistled and shouted obscenities -- it was AWFUL. As I became much more willing to take a stand the violence surrounding me grew. Things were so much different then. Girls sat primly on the grass, forced to wear SKIRTS in the worst of weather. Seriously, it didn't matter how hard it was raining or how freaking cold it was - our legs had to be bare or we had to wear those primitive stockings and GIRDLES -- oh the horror!
For those who are too young to know what these atrocities are, look 'em up, the ghastly things. There were no comfortable leggings or tights for us. I doubt that anyone gave any thought to the girls and our comfort, and I remember the feeling of unfairness that my legs and I endured throughout my school years.
The boys, however, could of course wear pants and sprawl around as they pleased. I've always liked lying around, so it occurred to me one day to relax at lunchtime like the guys! Within minutes people were throwing tomatoes and other foods at me, and even some rocks. When I got up later I found a dead bird in my purse. My companion, an exchange student from Spain, was so furious he wanted to cause mayhem. How could this happen in the great America, he wondered.
These memories are coming up again, and there are a lot of them. The shaming didn't just come from the boys/men either. The dean of girls called me a "witch" in front of a few hundred people. My senior history teacher made inappropriate remarks about me when he caught me day-dreaming, intimating that I was day dreaming about last night's SEX. Oh please. If that isn't sexism, pure and simple, I don't know what is. "Slut-shaming" is its more "mature" and uglified self;
These few stories are a tiny fraction of that kind of behavior and its effect on my life, or on the lives of others who've had the same sort of experience. I have been sexually assaulted and experienced the kind of "slut-shaming" that is occurring once again in our land. This was years ago, and in some ways I do not think I am over it. I still automatically crosses the street when I see more than one man hanging out together on a sidewalk. I am still shy in ways that I think I ought not to be and a lot of this scarring originates from the YEARS of that kind of vicious sexism. I prefer now to live in a more isolated fashion.
Who's afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? Hell yes -- I am. Being chased down a country road near Sacramento by the ZODIAC KILLER didn't help. But that story is for another time,
I think -- yes, it seems that at this time our culture is even more severely degraded. The very real victims of a society gone wrong are its children. I look at the faces of the kids who've been scarred, at home or at school, and wonder what the hell is wrong with us, as individuals and as a country.
war on women
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Limbaugh and the War on Women
It seems as though Rush Limbaugh lingers like a bad dream in my subconscious, and the only way to exorcize him is by writing until he goes away. How can such a blubbery whale of venom and bloody self-righteousness be allowed to RULE the airwaves? Why is he always rubbing his body when he's being filmed doing his job? When he was demonizing Ms. Sandra Fluke he couldn't keep his hands off himself. Ick. There are many, many true gentleman in the Conservative movement, for example George Will and the late William F. Buckley, Jr. WHY is Limbaugh the de facto KING of the CONSERVATIVES, this man without any self-awareness at all? What does his lofty position in "society" really say about us AND the U.S. and OUR current values?
He'd most likely blame anybody but himself for being a boiling piss-pot of rage. This man has the gall to say the most toad-like remarks, words that pour like slimy polliwogs from his mouth. He blames women: bad mommy! eeevil Girl Scouts (huh? tiny-femi-Nazis in training??); his ex-wives, his house-cleaners -- ANY woman unfortunate enough to cross his path.
He stirs the cauldron of hate and seems to relish his role in the degradation of speech in this country. Yup, First Amendment rights for all, except for gays, minorities, the 'elites' - not a single person in the country has properly, logically defined this word "elite/s in any way. What have we got here: liberal elite, elite media, elite universities, newscasters, newspapers? How can you define a word when it is a 'one size fits all’ insult?
One comment on that point of view, and this is the matter of attacks upon Education -- particularly science and the matter of EVOLUTION and (mournful sigh) Devolution When (if ever) do we grasp what is happening on our home, this beautiful, beautiful earth, and stop with the name-calling already!
Anyone, I mean ANYONE who goes after GIRL SCOUTS is a blight upon the land (I was one -we sat around the campfire singing "Kum Ba Yah" with innocent hearts and hope for the future.) That man whose hatred of a gender extends to the tiniest of the species, or anyone who doesn't think like King Rush; gets sliced and diced faster than a carrot in a Cuisinart! WITCH! (or in Rush Terms, "itch-Bay", unt-cay, femi-Nazi, ad nauseam.)
Don't you just love the idea of that man poisoning the minds of the people of America? There are so many damned fine guys out there, and they are needed for a set of problems that have never beset the world before. We need to work in tandem, in harness together, or we might as well kiss our glorious country and its formerly heroic status in this world goodbye.
So can we get off the Trash Talk Train and get back to business?
Somehow I doubt that the Founding Fathers had Rush Limbaugh in mind when they envisioned an America in the future. Don't get me wrong -- free speech in a free society is essential, but there is a difference between writing an op-ed piece and turning the hoses and rubber bullets on innocent albeit annoyed protestors like the kids in Oakland at the Occupy protests. Oh, beauteous, bounteous America, you're looking like a police state instead of the Land o' the Free. Swell, just swell.
As many women have been observing lately, there is a giant conservative movement to keep us down on our knees, scrubbing the floors, and servicing our husbands/masters -- yes, serving them in all ways (see “Mad Men" - and yes, it really WAS like that). Now that we have shown what we CAN DO in the world and in the workplace many men are feeling just a wee tad frustrated by our intellect, capacities and ability to perform as well as a man. Now we have the incentive of equal pay for equal work; thank you Lily Ledbetter and the Prez. Just keep keeping the word "obey" out of those wedding ceremonies!!
My god I never thought I would see our country go Retro so fast, ever ever. But I have noticed that when there is a time of great Change people become fearful. When people are fearful, they tend to suppress those that are smaller and weaker -- i.e. women and children, gays and minorities. Close your eyes if you will, but the signs of this Change - migrations of populations, extinction of species and the geographical changes of the earth in general are all around us. I think the men are frozen in primeval terror and have turned their unwelcome attention to "fixing" and repressing women as opposed to fixing bridges, roads, medical care, and so forth.
Women have been dominated and suppressed like chattel for thousands of years. Yes, we have made some advances, but even those are in danger and I think we'd better stamp out this new but dangerous fire here and NOW. I thought politicians were supposed to -- govern? They are elected to do things like fix the roads and bridges - but from the moment of THE previous election most of them begin planning for re-election, jousting for power for tasks they don't do, and trying to interfere in the most private women's business, which is NO BUSINESS of men except within a family! If this sort of "Father Knows Best" "Leadership" from the GOP persists we're going to have some damned upset women in this country.
The commonplace but incredibly important tasks of running this country seem quite secondary to the current batch of Republican politicians. They are sooo busy making sure "the gals" are in their place, with wombs open for business non-stop. Endless Viagra for all, covered by insurance, and a job for the ladies for the next 20 or so years whether they want it or not. Rush Limbaugh (he of three wives and who knows how many affairs) decries the amount of sex all we sinful people out there are having as he's caught with a friend's Viagra. Well, Rush -- there will be less sex all right, and we monogamous couples will be NO exception, unless you fancy playing Russian roulette with the old "rhythm method". I did, and I have two lovely daughters to show for it! One was conceived during the first day of my cycle, the other during the last day. So much for that approach!
Once women understand that Viagra puts her in danger of her next pregnancy, how interested do you think they will be in keeping those fires hot within your relationship? And as for the guys -- I predict that new brothels will be doing a booming business with frustrated, attention needing (and deserving) husbands and eventually, there will be hell to pay as the formerly cheerful voting block of happy, independent women lose their freedom to their 8 children while her husband is enslaved to the modern version of the "company store" and a "more understanding" woman on the side.
I know JUST where this is going because we as a Nation founded by Puritans have done this before. We are obsessed with sex; we are ashamed of sex. We are so repulsed by it that our movies have been sexually suppressed by moguls for decades. The movies we allow our children to see are for the most part filled with unspeakable horror and violence, or repugnant swill of some sort.
At least the GOP candidates have been VERY clear about their philosophy: no Planned Parenthood, eventually, or as little contraception as possible, Viagra on demand, women enslaved -- but they played their hand so ruthlessly and quickly that hopefully we do NOT FORGET.
Marriage is for procreation, they say.
I mean come on! There are a lot of reasons for people who want sex not to marry -- loss of benefits, various legal issues, etc. Or simply, people marry for companionship, to pool resources, because they are lonely and don't want to be alone. For Example my 85 years + years old Granny married an 89 year old gentleman (a very innocent, young accountant for AL CAPONE in his junior years) for companionship.
Is there a Cookbook Plan out there for defining and legislating the morality of Senior Sexuality? Should they be allowed to marry at all? If marriage is for procreation, according to the staunch protestations of Newt, Rick and Willard -- should Seniors even be allowed to wed? Why? They can't procreate, so if that's the reason Gays can't marry, why should Seniors ... how does your philosophy stand up to that question? Quite simply, it can't.
The hypocrisy around the word "Life" is staggering, since the gang pushing us to change our ways doesn't want to provide for the "Life" it wishes to force upon our country. The world groans with an unsustainable population, while the medieval Pope insists that the population grow unchecked. I do not mean to offend, but it seems to me that many religions are stuck in the middle ages and do not have the flexibility to change their policies even about contraception. The priests prefer the rich, cloistered halls and cool chambers inhabited only by a world of men and hairless young boys. We were too blind to see.
Women, get yourselves elected -- there's only a few ways we're going to turn this around -- through the help of our men, at the voting booth, and by helping to shape the policy!! Plus, in the words of Graham Nash, "Teach Your Children Well".
Consider Rush Limbaugh and the shocking degree of ignorance he betrayed on the pill as contraception: his understanding is that you take a pill every time you want to have sex! That left me absolutely choking with laughter - what an idiot. And HE is the one teaching all this crap to all those people who soak up his "knowledge" on a daily basis. What horrifies me is that folks actually BELIEVE him. All those good men and women traveling through the states listening to BIG RADIO get their education every day.
We must educate all of our children about American and World history and the current political climate so that they can be informed voters as they mature. We and our children MUST somehow be protected/protect ourselves from this most vile, paternalistic form of hateful of government, which masquerades as the world's greatest Democracy. Maybe we still are, but our vaunted freedoms are slipping away, under attack by Right and Left.
Then there's that "SMALL GOVERNMENT" that the GOP wants to foist upon us -- as opposed to a Government that exists to SERVE its people. Any Government that assumes the radical power to "rape" a woman with a cylindrical tube is no small government, despite what the GOP says they desire. Don't believe them -- they want "kitchen slaves" again
How does that work for the rest of us - women, minorities, the poor - and our desire to be rocket scientists, physicists, doctors, nurses, teachers, etc.?
It doesn't.
I want my country and the hope and opportunity it represented, and still could. Really. It still could.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Professor Rush-Bo The Hutt and the Public Discourse
It's time; it's more than time, to find a way to cleanse the public Airwaves. We suffer from tiresome pollution of the radio by obscene trash-talking shock jocks, and this has risen into a virulent flood as the elections near. As I am incurably naive I had thought - had hoped - that the chilling, graphic scenes of hatred would be absent from the 2012 elections - why I certainly don't know.
Education is a topic on the public consciousness these days. The President has asked everyone to try for at least another year of training after high school. There is so much opportunity and necessity to absorb other content than vicious political ads and diatribe. God I am sick of vulgar programming by vulgar people that have been allowed to, indeed been welcome to run amok on the radio, becoming the de facto Political Science professors of this country, forming people's viewpoints with poisonous bile.
It is a sobering thought, if you give it some attention, that people like Limbaugh and his ilk are busy educating people who spend hours a day in cars, trucks or home behind the range. These Americans, whose minds are perfectly active and hungry for education, are literally soaking up distorted, uglified politics as though these "facts' - were tried, tested and absolutely TRUE.
Are we aware that we are providing a very poor but effective type of "adult education" on the airwaves of the land? If we are aware of this, do we feel this sort of brain-food is appropriate for our ever less educated population? Who do you think is responsible for the fact that more of the South than EVER thinks the President is a Muslim/follower of Islam? Does the Free Speech Amendment guarantee this staggering manipulation of the public airwaves and of the public trust??
My god, Advertisers; there will be hell to pay if you let that noxious Pot of Bile continue to shame and demean the Daughters of America. We have heard and witnessed a 3 day assault on a young woman of obvious breeding and character! How would you feel if Sandra Fluke had been YOUR daughter?
I personally would have felt an intense pride in either of my daughters, both of whom are about the same age as Ms. Fluke, for standing up and speaking out in the glare of the public spotlight. I would also have felt, as I do now, a sense of utter, unmitigated rage at the verbal rape by Mr. Limbaugh of a woman of integrity.
He and his radio brethren have attacked women so often and consistently and we have become the perennial victims of the Airwaves. I doubt that many women enjoy his anti-female shtick this stuff even if they're identified with guys in some way. Those raised in extreme climates have to make do, and those women are TOUGH. A girl raised among 7 brothers will have a different perspective than an older daughter of a younger brother, or one sister among another three others. My point is that we are half the world's population, that we are the Mothers and the Grandmothers, the Lovers, the Sisters, the Comrades at Work.
We are coming into own as the Spiritual Counselors (except at places like the Vatican, where we count for nothing at all), the nurses, midwives, scholars and teachers -- and are because the "powers that be" are allowing it.
When we realize what an effect listening to this sicko belittle our contributions to our society - the "slut-shaming", we have to stop and know this:
WE have let him get away with it, and shame on us if we continue to submit ourselves to this sort of harassment and degradation. I mean, HAVE YOU EVER HEARD HIM TALK ABOUT WOMEN without using the terms "Femi-Nazis", "itch-Bays” or unt-Cays?" I haven't, but I will confess that I cannot tolerate listening to him for more than a few moments.
I say it's time to get more creative and put something else on radio other than grumpy hate-fests and shock jocks. I've had midnight encounters with obscure, brilliant programming stuck where nobody hears it, whereas Rush is out there front and center, a hate-filled, bilious representative of "America the Beautiful".
There are so many people with positive points of view. My simple suggestion is that we put more cool, educational and stimulating programming out there to fill the vacuum that will occur if we can get rid of Limbaugh and his ilk, RIGHT OR LEFT. Let's get educational content on the airwaves, no more toxic, inflammatory crap. PLEASE!! We NEED it from any source we can find! Our school systems are degenerating; let's make use of the airwaves.
Oh, and in case I forgot to mention it, PLEASE STOP ADVERTISING WITH LIMBAUGH, FOREVER.
He hates women more than anyone, even minorities, and that probably has something to do with his known problems with ED. Google "Rush and Viagra" -- I don't want to go further!
public airwaves,
rush limbaugh,
sandra fluke,
shock jocks,
war on women
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He is waaay too much like old Scrooge! He is a Master Surgeon of Business, who will NEVER feel anything but satisfaction as he practices his dark art to destroy Government, to mess with the rights of the infirm, sick, elderly -- the vulnerable, impoverished people of America. He will gleefully balance the budget on the back of the poor, as is often said. He will starve Government to death, ignoring the fact that GOVERNMENT JOBS ARE JOBS!! I ask you, what is wrong with these people? What kind of human being consciously destroys aid for the "surplus population" and smiles when he does it?
He is a "severe" practitioner of Surgical Business! Beware, all ye who are the disabled, the mentally ill and those given a body that is not um of the fair, firm and white variety. He will cut us to the bone, slicing off what he sees as the rotten flesh (weak people; bad debt) and separating it (US) from the Body instead of allowing the healing of the Body as a whole.
That's his way. He doesn't care, he can't see beyond his world, he feels superior to everyone not in his little universe. His world is private, double veiled by the secret, arcane world of his church and his position as one of the richest men in America.
He's like a pre-enlightened Siddhartha, a prince of Ancient India who had never been allowed to leave his palace for fear he be affected by the poverty, decay and wretchedness of common people. Before he left his palace he was merely a spoiled princeling who had no idea what the world was really like. When he insisted upon leaving the safety of his home, he saw all the sickness, poverty, hunger, suffering and death in the world outside his luxurious and cloistered court. In that place all signs of suffering were kept from him, so seeing the world outside was a massive shock. He experienced a great Enlightenment.
In another story that begins similarly, the rich man never leaves his palace, is a spoiled "gentleman" and the Master of all who surround him. He doesn't truly serve his people but exploits them. He has no enlightenment experience as he is cosseted in his many mansions and never sees the poor. Perhaps he acts as a patron and public servant in the context of his own church, The Church of Latterday Saints, which is one of America's strangest forms of "Christianity". Most forms of Christianity sell "service" to their fellowship, but we do know is that he's no "public servant". For so many years he has concentrated on running for President and ruining people's lives at Bain Capital.
Nobody could ever mistake Mitt for a servant of anything -- every smirk, sneer and false smile tells you that. He looks at the People's Entitlements like a shark looks at a seal. Like a surgeon, he wants to get the job done, cut and sew up the body politic, discard the decayed rubbish and be off. Trouble is, that rubbish will be the ever weaker, undermined people of the United States, and that will include many of US. Is this what we really, truly want?
That's how he was at Bain and that is how he would be as a President. I could go on about Women, Gays and all of our minorities, but I think we all have a pretty clear idea of Mean Mitt Romney's feelings. He doesn't have any. He reminds me of a robotized being, an alien in a suit.
Oh! And then there was the Leadership he showed when he and his Prep School Posse attacked a younger, weaker boy to the point where his screams and pleas for help were heard by others too afraid to jump in. This attack was called "savage" by many of the men who took part in it; all of them remembered the incident decades after it occurred. Only would-be "Fearless Leader" Romney didn't seem to recall the life-changing attack on that young man, nor any of the other "harmless pranks" he played. Nor does the would-be President have a care for the people whose lives he has trashed financially.
Way to go, Christian Soldier, way to go.